Lake property owners and Lake Associations as well as all lake stakeholders are heavily invested in lakes. Often frustration ensues when adverse trends threaten lake living enjoyment. These trends can include invasion of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS), worsening of water quality, erosion of property values and lake congestion. Lake property owners and lake organizations are finding that coping with these adverse trends requires awareness and engagement. Minnesota organizations and Agencies work with counties, lake property owners, cities, townships and other entities for the preservation and protection of Minnesota lakes.
Minnesota Coalition of Lake Associations
MN COLA is a volunteer organization with the mission of preserving, protecting and improving the waters and shorelands of the State of Minnesota through advocacy, education, and sharing of best practices.
Minnesota Lakes & Rivers Advocates
Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates is your trusted advisor and advocate for Minnesota’s lake and river communities.
Member Benefits:
- Professional lobbying presence at MN Legislature,
- Governmental Relations meetings,
- Statewide advocacy and leadership on lake issues such as Aquatic Invasive Species and shoreline rules,
- A voice in establishing future statewide policy and legislative agendas,
- State of the art email action alerts to leverage the grassroots power of your organization,
- Seminars and webinars with valuable information on AIS, lake ecology, and estate and trust law strategies,
- Timely email newsletters and updates,
- Content you can use in your association newsletters,
- Local and State Media strategy to put your lake issues on the public agenda.
- Invite Jeff Forester to speak at your annual meeting.

We are a Minnesota nonprofit on a mission to inspire and empower people to value and preserve water. We use science to engage communities from small towns to the Capitol on how to equitably improve water today and for future generations.
“Everything Lake Organization Administration” is a library of postings and articles to provide unique and innovative tools to organize and manage lake organizations. It also includes valuable information on combating Aquatic Invasive Species and lake water quality challenges. It is intended to be informational, educational and inspirational for all lake property owners.
University Of Minnesota
Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC)
The Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center is dedicated to fighting the spread and impact of aquatic invasive species on Minnesota’s beloved lakes and rivers.
Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts
The Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts (MAWD) is a non-profit organization that represents local governments that focus on the management of water on watershed boundaries rather than political boundaries, such as cities and counties. Primary areas of focus include providing educational and training opportunities, lobbying and advocacy services and regular communications. MAWD represents 39 Watershed Districts and 4 Water Management Organizations in the state.
MN Board of Soil and Water Resources
The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) consists of 20 members. Members can be citizens, state agency staff, or local government representatives that deliver BWSR programs. The board is the state’s administrative agency for 90 soil and water conservation districts, 46 watershed districts, 23 metropolitan watershed management organizations, and 80 county water managers. The board sets a policy agenda designed to enhance conservation delivery through local government partners. Board members, including the board chair, are appointed by the governor to staggered four-year terms.
Soil & Water Conservation Districts
Classified under MN State Statute Chapter 103C, soil and water conservation districts are governmental and political subdivisions of the state. Their broad charge is to protect public health, safety, and welfare through soil and water conservation. Functions include leadership, coordination and services.
A SWCD is a legal body accountable to the public through general elections. Five supervisors are elected to their position, govern the SWCDs and work in cooperation with state and federal conservation agencies. The SWCD is charged with encouraging local landowners to conserve the soil and water resources by implementing conservation practices that reduce or prevent erosion, sedimentation, siltation and agriculturally-related pollution in order to preserve our natural resources, ensure continued soil productivity, control floods, preserve wildlife, protect the tax base and protect public lands.

Minnesota Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts
MASWCD is a nonprofit organization which exists to provide leadership and a common voice for Minnesota’s soil and water conservation districts and to maintain a positive, results-oriented relationship with rule making agencies, partners and legislators; expanding education opportunities for the districts so they may carry out effective conservation programs.

Association of Minnesota Counties
The Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) is a voluntary, non-partisan statewide organization that has assisted the state’s 87 counties in providing effective county governance to the people of Minnesota since 1909. The association works closely with the legislative and administrative branches of government in seeing that legislation and policies favorable to counties are enacted. AMC also provides educational programs, training, research and communications for county officials.

The Mission of the Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) is to support and promote the township form of local government in Minnesota through educational programs, structured advocacy, vital collaboration, and procurement of critical resources fundamental to local governments.
Minnesota Association Of Townships
Minnesota Department Of Natural Resources
The DNR is committed to creating a healthy, sustainable, and livable Minnesota for you. We are dedicated to protecting and managing land, water, fish and wildlife — and providing access to outdoor recreation opportunities. Learn more about our mission and get details on our Conservation Agenda.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is a state agency committed to ensuring that every Minnesotan has healthy air, sustainable lands, clean water, and a better climate. Through the authority of state and federal statutes and guidelines, the Agency focuses on preventing and reducing the pollution of air, land, and water, and leads Minnesota’s efforts to protect against the devastating effects of climate change. We work with regulated parties, businesses, governments, organizations, and Minnesota’s 11 tribal nations to develop innovative, community-centered approaches that protect our natural resources, improve human heath, and foster strong economic growth.