Thursday, February 20, 2025

Tool For MN Lake Health Information

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has created a new online tool, called the Watershed Health Assessment Framework for Lakes (WHAF for...

DNR Shoreland Classifications

Minnesota’s shoreland rules apply only to lakes and rivers assigned a shoreland classification by the Minnesota DNR. The shoreland classification determines what...

Minnesota Lake Organizations and Agencies

Lake property owners and Lake Associations as well as all lake stakeholders are heavily invested in lakes. Often frustration ensues when adverse trends...

Otter Tail County Shoreland And Septic System Ordinances Survey Results

At the request of the Otter Tail County (OTC) Board of Commissioners OTC COLA conducted a survey of OTC lake and river...

Dock Regulations Balance Public Water Use And Protection

Docks and dock platforms provide access to Minnesota's lakes and rivers, and are regulated to help protect public safety as well as aquatic habitat.

AIS Laws – Everywhere

Read and heed aquatic nuisance species and aquatic invasive species laws — everywhere you travel We’d seen...

Minnesota invasive species laws

IntroductionProhibited invasive speciesRegulated and unlisted invasive speciesUnregulated nonnative speciesUnlisted nonnative speciesTransportation prohibitionsRegulations on transport of waterRegulations in infested watersRegulations on transport of...

Open Burning OTC

The Otter Tail County Solid Waste Ordinance prohibits the burning of all solid waste, including paper and cardboard. This also applies to burning waste...