Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Brochure- Tri-fold

For more information: [email protected] Layout of a Tri-fold Brochure Promotional brochures come in many sizes and can...

Tool For MN Lake Health Information

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has created a new online tool, called the Watershed Health Assessment Framework for Lakes (WHAF for...

DNR Shoreland Classifications

Minnesota’s shoreland rules apply only to lakes and rivers assigned a shoreland classification by the Minnesota DNR. The shoreland classification determines what...

Lake Property Owner Event Administration

Lake property owners continue to be confronted with adverse environmental challenges, regulatory constraints and rising real estate taxes caused by inflated property...

EPA How’s My Waterway

An updated version of the How’s My Waterway (HMW) application, developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), was released in June 2020. HMW...

Watershed Districts / SWCDs

Watershed Districts / Soil & Water Conservation Districts Darren Newville, District Manager Otter Tail County East Otter Tail Conservation...

Becker County Lake Organizations and Agencies

Becker County is located in west central Minnesota, 30 miles east of the Fargo/Moorhead MSA. Established by an act of the legislature,...

Hubbard County Lake Organizations and Agencies

Hubbard County is a county in the northwestern part of the U.S. state of Minnesota. As of the 2020 United States Census,...

Cass County Lake Organizations And Agencies

The Crow Wing River flows east-southeast along Cass County's southern border, and the Gull River flows southwest through the lower part, to discharge into...

Blockbuster Slide Presentations

Slideshow presentations have become the standard form of delivering information to groups of people.  Device and software technology advances have helped to...

It’s Not Too Early – 2023 Directories

It’s Not Too Early- 2023 Directories It’s not too early to start thinking about how 2023 Lake Association Directories...

MN Lake Associations At Large

Lake Associations representing multiple or larger lakes not affiliated with a County COLA can be termed as "Lake Associations At Large". ...

Otter Tail County Lake Organizations and Agencies

Otter tail County is located in...

Minnesota Lake Organizations and Agencies

Lake property owners and Lake Associations as well as all lake stakeholders are heavily invested in lakes. Often frustration ensues when adverse trends...

Understanding Water Quality Analysis Data Results

Water quality monitoring and the resulting data may appear complex to lake property owners. The science is solid but includes many components...

UMN LakeBrowser

UMN LakeBrowser The Minnesota LakeBrowser is an online interactive lake water clarity/quality tool with Landsat-derived classifications of lake clarity of...

lakeadmin.org BULLETIN

lakeadmin.org has created an email publication called the lakeadmin.org Bulletin to both attract new viewers to the website as well as make...

Bulletin INDEX- lakeadmin.org

Below are past issues of the lakeadmin.org Bulletin Bulletin February 2023 Tools For Accessing Lake Health DNR Watershed Health Assessment Framework EPA How's My...

Get The Lead Out

What’s the problem with Lead? Did you know that the vast majority of fishing tackle currently available on the...

Minnesota’s Lake Associations: Who They Are And What They Do

Concordia Lake Association Study Confirms - Lake Associations Make Huge Contributions to Lakes Published by Jeff Forester on Mon, 10/02/2017 -...

Integrated Communications Solution Scenarios

People who live at the lake have a lot of pride in their properties.  The privileges and life style that lake living...

Postcard Campaigns

We Love Our Lakes Campaign Septic System and Shoreland Ordinance Survey Postcard Campaigns are a component...

What Is The Trophic State Index (TSI)?

Trophic (pronounced TROH-fik) means “of or relating to nutrition.” The Trophic State Index (TSI) is a classification system designed to “rate” individual lakes,...

Water Quality Analysis Reports

There is a good Case For Water Quality Monitoring. Many Coalitions of Lake Associations (COLAs) sponsor lake water quality monitoring programs. ...

The Case For Water Quality Monitoring

Water quality monitoring and the resulting data may appear complex to lake property owners.  The science is solid but includes many components...

Curly-Leaf Pondweed- A Non-Native Aquatic Plant

Curly-leaf pondweed is a hardy perennial submersed aquatic plant. Attached to the lake or pond bottom by rhizomes, it can grow to...

Shoreline Management And Development

You may hear the terms general development lake, recreational development lake and natural environment lake used in terms of shoreline development, but...

Steps To Write A Lake Management Plan

Forward by Ben Underhill, Minnesota South West Conservation District (SWCD) When writing a management plan you are focusing on...

Lake Property Owner Directory Listings

Lake Property Owner Listings- A valuable tool Lake property owner directory listings offer a valuable tool for use by...

Five W’s + H Of Journalism

If you are someone that needs to create content in order to connect with your audience, then you may find it difficult...

12 Ways To Protect Your Lake:

Healthy lakes are like Mom, puppies and apple pie – we all love and adore them.So, of course, your lake deserves TLC....

COLA/Lake Association Newsletters

[email protected] Coalitions Of Lake Associations (COLAs) and Lake Associations in Minnesota use a variety of media methods to communicate...

Shoreline Living Booklet

Shoreline Living Booklet The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership is proud to share this Shoreline Living booklet, which provides examples...

Otter Tail County Shoreland And Septic System Ordinances Survey Results

At the request of the Otter Tail County (OTC) Board of Commissioners OTC COLA conducted a survey of OTC lake and river...

Ultimate Association Directory

For more information [email protected] Lake Associations often publish Directories for their Members that contain valuable items of reference. ...

Enhanced Lake Association Directories

Many Lake Associations publish Directory books for their Members.  The Directories not only include names and lake addresses of property owners but...

Introducing www.lakeadmin.org


Endocrine disruptors in lakes are becoming an emerging concern

Over the past few years, studies of Minnesota’s waters have found a variety of unregulated chemicals -- such as pharmaceuticals, fragrances, fire...

Zebra mussel fears mellow for some as prevention efforts slow spread

InForum July 3, 2020 For years, zebra mussels have been slowly spreading to lakes in Minnesota, including Lake Maud...

Our Lakeshore/Groundwater Connection Videos

These animated videos about lakeshore restoration and stewardship werecreated in collaboration with the Anoka County Water Resource OutreachCollaborative and several local Lake...

Lakeshore Owners Loving Their Lakes To Death- Darren Newville, EOT SWCD

By Darren Newville, District Manager EOT SWCD I get it, we want our lake homes or cabins larger enough...

What’s So Bad About AIS?

What are some of the current AIS threats to Minnesota? A quick overview of Zebra and quagga mussels, Eurasian water milfoil, Starry...

Audio/Visual Remote Conferencing

Social/physical distancing has had a profound effect on the ability of Boards and Committees to manage their organizations. Preferred is to regularly...

Walleye Are Smaller In Lakes With AIS

Young Walleye Are Smaller In MN Lakes With Zebra Mussels, Spiny Waterflea A new University of Minnesota study has...

Flowering Rush Problem – A Fix

Now, the infamous invasive plant is finally getting under control. Authorities with the Pelican River Watershed District are calling it...

Components of a Successful Lake Stewardship Program

For more information: [email protected] Minnesota Lakes are open to anyone to enjoy.  The responsibility for...

Organization of Lake Property Owners

For more information: [email protected] When contemplating establishing a lake organization there are many things to consider.  The idea for organizing is...

Steps to start a new Lake Association

For more information: [email protected] Lake property owners appreciate the experience of living on Minnesota lakes.  There are innumerable independent...

Email Mail Merge

For more information: [email protected] Underutilized in the Microsoft Office Suite is the ability to easily and quickly generate emails to many...

Brochure- Tri-fold

For more information: [email protected] Layout of a Tri-fold Brochure Promotional brochures come in many sizes and...


For more information: [email protected] LID DNR OVERVIEW Lake Improvement Districts. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/watermgmt_section/shoreland/lake-improvement-districts.html Minnesota Statutes 103B.501 - 103B.581 allows local...

Lake Improvement Districts Q&A

For more information: [email protected] See Lake Improvement Districts - Questions and Answers on the MN DNR website


For more information: [email protected] LID GOVERNANCE REFERENCE The Governance document for a Minnesota Lake Improvement District...

LID BOD Handbook

For more information: [email protected] LID BOD Handbook Contact [email protected] for editable version The LID Board of...


For more information: [email protected] LID VOTING ROSTER CREATION Lake Improvement Districts A Minnesota Lake Improvement...

Lake Improvement District (LID)Voting

For more information: [email protected] Lake Improvement District (LID) Voting This article refers to data sourced from Otter Tail County,...


County reminds residents that Smart911 replaced CodeRED Due to privacy & security, it is necessary to create new account

7 Reasons People Love Lake Living

There are two kinds of people; one that wants to live on a lake and the second is those who do. If you are...

Lawmaker Hotline

Your legislators want to hear from you! The Lawmaker Hotline is an easy and effective way for Otter Tail County lake property...

Valuing Aquatic Invasive Species Management

MAISRC researchers are working to quantify and analyze the ecological and economic value of AIS damages and AIS management as they relate...

AIS Harvesting Concerns Raised

Area News | Published on January 16, 2019 at 10:28am CST | Author: Pelican Rapids Press 0

Landscaping And Shoreland Restoration

Principles Shorelands are naturally full of a rich diversity of life: plants, animals, and microorganisms, including humans. As we understand...

Balancing Road Safety With Road Salt

Minnesota is blessed with abundant water resources. The state also experiences icy and snowy winters. This combination makes it tough for road authorities to...

Landscape And Climate Change

Climate change affects BWSR's ability to fulfill its mission, which is to improve and protect Minnesota's water and soil resources by working in partnership...

Clogged boat motors, ‘pea soup’ waters prompt Lake Lida action

Weed-killing treatments take aim at curly-leaf pondweed Chemical treatments to control curly-leaf pondweed are being planned for application...

Curly-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus)

Description Appearance Curly-leaf pondweed is a rooted, submersed aquatic plant. Its coloration varies from olive-green to reddish-brown.

Antibiotics are accumulating in Minn. lakes, posing health risk

Dan Gunderson Moorhead, Minn. Antibiotics used in medicine are accumulating in the bottom of Minnesota lakes. 

Am I At Risk for Radon Poisoning?

What is radon? Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas. It’s produced when uranium, thorium, and...

Dock Regulations Balance Public Water Use And Protection

Docks and dock platforms provide access to Minnesota's lakes and rivers, and are regulated to help protect public safety as well as aquatic habitat.

Algae bloom

An algal bloom or algae bloom is a rapid increase or accumulation in the population of algae in freshwater or marine water systems, and is recognized by the discoloration in the...

Dead Lake, Franklin Lake donate funds to video-audio fight against invasive species

Lake associations representing Dead Lake and Franklin Lake plan to donate funds which will support I-LID operations in order to curtail the...

I-LIDS Inspection and Education System

The I-LIDS automated inspection and education systems are in use at 13 launches within Otter Tail County. Sensors identify when boaters are present. The...

Infested Waters List

Infested Waters List Spreadsheet The DNR will add a lake, river, pond or wetland to the infested waters list...

AIS Laws – Everywhere

Read and heed aquatic nuisance species and aquatic invasive species laws — everywhere you travel We’d seen...

Starry Stonewort Video

New Starry Stonewort Video ReleasedThe invasive alga starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) has become an increasing problem in Minnesota lakes since it was...

Minnesota invasive species laws

IntroductionProhibited invasive speciesRegulated and unlisted invasive speciesUnregulated nonnative speciesUnlisted nonnative speciesTransportation prohibitionsRegulations on transport of waterRegulations in infested watersRegulations on transport of...

Great Lakes freighters may have to treat ballast water to curb invasive species

Great Lakes freighters may have to treat ballast water to curb invasive species August 27, 2019 4:00 a.m.

Releasing big sunfish helps protect against stunted population

Minnesota anglers harvest around 16 million sunfish each year, making them the state's most harvested fish. To protect big sunfish and avoid stunted populations of sunfish,...

Total Phosphorus

Phosphorus is a nutrient important for plant growth.  In most lakes, phosphorus is the limiting nutrient, which means that everything that plants and algae...

Call 911- What Happens When You Call

What happens when you dial 911 in Otter Tail County When a 911 call is received at the dispatch center...

Why Does Our Lake Continue To Get More Weeds

Why Does Our Lake Continue To Get More Weeds? OTC COLA recently published a Water Quality Analysis Ranking Report of...

West Nile virus killing Minnesota loons

Lake property owners reporting more dead loons than usual this summer.Written By: John Myers / Forum News Service | Jul 18th 2019 - 4pm.

GIS Interface Ottertail County

For more information: [email protected] Otter Tail County Graphic Information Systems for Lake Associations The Otter Tail County (OTC)...

Lake Stewardship

Our lakes are some of our most precious resources. Especially here in “Lakes Country”, we understand the value of enjoying the lakes and the...

Water Quality Distorted by Zebra Mussels

Water Quality Distorted by Zebra Mussels Recent studies have confirmed that if your lake has zebra mussels you cannot compare your...

Lakes illimitable are lakes lost

Aquatic invasive species have changed the context of public access.  Now try this one: If there is a lake in Minnesota...

Open Burning OTC

The Otter Tail County Solid Waste Ordinance prohibits the burning of all solid waste, including paper and cardboard. This also applies to burning waste...

CD3 Stations

CD3 manufactures waterless cleaning systems designed to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species by empowering boaters to clean, drain, dry their boats and...

Power loading boats causes damage to launch ramps!

"Power loading", can cause damage to launch ramps that may not be visible from the surface of the water....

Articles of Incorporation Sample

For more information: [email protected] Sample Lake Property Owners Association The undersigned desiring to form a non-profit...

Board of Directors Handbook SAMPLE

For more information: [email protected] Board of Directors Handbook SAMPLE A variation...

Bylaws Definitions SAMPLE

It is common in organizational documents to have a section on definitions of terms used. Definitions reduce ambiguity of understanding. ...

Powers of Attorney / Proxy forms for Lake Organizations

Powers of Attorney A common provision in Bylaws of lake organizations is a restriction regarding eligibility to vote as a Member,...

Lake Organization Bylaws SAMPLE

Bylaws The Members collectively approve the organizational structure, including the nature and flow of responsibilities and authorities, in the...

Bylaw Comparison of Provisions In Otter Tail County

for more information: [email protected] A recent mini-survey of Lake Association Bylaws in Otter Tail County indicated a wide disparity...

501(c)(3) / 501(c)(4) Difference

For more information: [email protected] Many people often wonder what the difference is between a 501(c)(3) and a 501(c)(4) organization....

Comparing 501(c)(3) vs 501(c)(4) for Nonprofit Startups

For more information: [email protected] A nonprofit organization organized and operated for charitable purposes may be exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue...

Lake Associations Annual Filings

For more information: [email protected] Most often Lake Associations are registered as tax-exempt by the IRS and do not file an...

MN Annual Filing

For more information: [email protected] Business Annual Renewals Minnesota businesses must file renewals every year to remain active. ...